It’s just one thing after another out here! Literally the night after our North American Scratch Night, I will be performing in the first ever Alumni Scratch Night at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama! I’ll be performing a short piece of my own alongside a number of former students. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be shocked Central managed to book them in because they are so illustrious! Info and tickets can be found HERE. Please come join us!
London life keeps on ticking! With some exciting news! Something I wrote is going to be on stage! I will be participating in a scratch night for North Americans on March 4th at 7:30pm at the Hen and Chickens Theatre. Book your tickets HERE. Emily at 30 is about a young woman who is visited by ghosts of lustful visions past, present, and future as she grapples with her own sexuality and impending adulthood. Come visit us and say hi after!
Life has been moving in the fast lane because we are already onto the next! Please come see yours truly starring in The Great Gatsby at The Cockpit 28/11-14/12. I’ve gotten involved with Scar Theatre productions (do check out all the other cool projects they have going on this year) and have had the most joyous time working on this show. It’s dark, it’s sapphic, it’s got green lights, and lots of metaphors for a nation on the brink of collapse. Don’t miss out! Get your tickets HERE!
A second and final production is about to open! I am so sad to be ending our time together but excited to go out with a bang! Come see 100 Books to Read Before You Die at the Courtyard Theater 7/24-7/27! It is a wild ride in which all of my friends get to do something they are very very good at! It was commissioned specifically for us and is written by the incomprable Joanne Lau! Do not miss this! Get your tickets HERE!
I have finally re-emerged! Wow there is so much to update folks on! Well, I am currently studying for a Masters of Art at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama! It has been such an incredible, if demanding experience and I’m sad that it is coming to end in only four months time. But, before we say goodbye we have two public productions! Please come join us in London and see me and my wonderful classmates in Roberto Zucco by Bernard-Marie Koltes. It is spooky! There are bugs, dogs, webs, and ghosts. Get your tickets HERE!
And right on to the next! Episode Two of The Divided States drops next week! Don’t miss it-you may hear a certain young anarchist on the line :). Check out the trailer and make sure you make it to the live stream debut (and interact with other fans) on the Discord HERE!
She’s going to her first ever Comic Con!!!! I am so so excited! Look at our jam packed schedule! Not to mention a listening party with Dan and Larissa, a panel I’ll be a part of discussing the art of voice acting, and much much much more! Please come say hi in Boston! I would love to meet you. Find out all about it HERE! Get early access to Volume Four HERE!!
I’m heading back to Ashland! I’ll be working on a new play with my favorite play festival, ANPF! I’m such a fan of this festival and their commitment to the development of new work. I’ll be working on Carlos-Zenen Trujillo’s new play, Our Utopia. It’s got cults! It’s got Our Town references! It’s got a lot of Oregon nonsense. Don’t miss it! For info: CLICK HERE.
We did it!!!! It was a magical night full of art and community! I got to see my cast and crew mates after two years apart and in way less restricted circumstances, I got to see the final product which Star, Joan, and Sean worked so hard to bring to together (to name just a few), we got to experience it with friends and family! Stay tuned-the adventures of Side Effects aren’t over yet!
I am so thrilled to share that baby is part of her first ever film festival! AHHHHH! Could not be more thrilled to share that Side Effects (written by the illustrious Star Finch), is about to have its first screening at the Bernal Heights Film Festival! While the team is still editing, preparing, and putting on the finishing touches, a scene from this special film will make it’s debut in San Francisco on 9/10! Make your way to Precita Park to catch myself and Melissa Locsin dancing! Tickets HERE!
New content alert! Hear a little more of Louise’s back story and listen to some epically composed music!!! C’est moi! Vive la Revolucion!
All episodes of The Land Whale Murders are available on a variety of platforms! Pay extra careful attention to episode 10, in which a very fancy lady is upset at an interruption to Bustle Day!
Episode Two of Nights in Shanghai is out! Featuring yours truly as Louise Lacroix. If you want to hear me scheming and plotting in a French accent that took weeks of practice (enormous thank you to a very patient Belgian production team), tune in! And be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!
We are hard at work in rehearsals for The Old Man and the Old Moon at the Umbrella Arts Center in Concord. There is nothing this show doesn’t have: sword fights, sea-faring songs, puppetry, every accent imaginable, a love story, adventure, a ghost fish-you name it, we got it. Don’t miss my Massachusetts debut! For tickets and info head HERE!
Look out it’s comin’! The first episode of The Divided States is on it’s way and we are set to debut 12/28 and 12/29-so mark your calendars! It’s gritty, it’s dark, it’s animated, the theme song slaps! Don’t miss it! More information can be found on the website where you can sign up for the newsletter! You can also give us a follow on instagram for the latest updates!
Back at it world! So thrilled to be a part of Ashland New Plays Festival 2021! I’ll be playing Margaret in What Happened While Hero Was Dead alongside so many talented people! It is a sex positive farce you will love! For more info, tickets, and info about when and where it will stream if you are unable to catch the live show click HERE.
And in more podcasting/voiceover news: My new project the Land Whale Murders is underway! It’s witty and clever and oh so fun to record. Our cast is phenomenal and from all over the world! If you’re able we would so so appreciate a donation to keep us going and continue to expand the world, cast, and crew! Donate HERE. To learn more about the team and the project head HERE. It’s fun and whimsical with so much heart. Be sure to keep an eye out for our release date!
It’s here! The season trailer is out! If you have not yet downloaded season two you absolutely must. So proud to be a part of this! We get better and better every episode, every season! Shout to our entire team, members old and new! This new season is stunning and exciting! Larissa’s beautiful monologue in episode three will make you weep, Ben and Laura’s banter in episode 4 will make you weep from laughing, and episode five…well….you’ll just have to see why you’ll cry that episode because you will! It’s truly a feat that I am so glad to play a small part in. Volume two is available on a variety of platforms so you have no excuse! Check out our trailer! Listen to our show! You are in for a treat :)
More Sojourn News!!!!! Volume Two is on its way and Episode is out for our Patreon subscribers! I cannot stress enough how absolutely EXCELLENT this episode and upcoming volume is. You do not want to miss it! And don’t sleep on Volume One - we won GOLD at the Hear Now Festival! Check out our Patreon HERE. Subscribe on Audible HERE.
HELLO WORLD THERE IS A SPOTIFY PLAYLIST FOR THE CHARACTER I PLAY ON THE SOJOURN. Everyone needs to drop everything and listen to Elizabeth Ancelet’s playlist on Spotify HERE. Take listen! Subscribe! Follow! Listen to Cassandra’s Playlist while you’re there!
Hello! She’s a competitive little cheetah! I am in a the final round of Transformation Theatre’s 2nd Anniversary monologue competition! I’m so excited to compete and watch the other finalists performances. More info about Transformation Theatre can be found HERE and tickets for this event can be found HERE! Please come join and support Transformation!
Need a laugh? Listen Sierra Camille has been killing it in the comedy game with the Lemur Conspiracy Crew. I was so happy to participate in their Superbowel Special along with so many friends. After you’ve watched be sure to like and subscribe to make sure you don’t miss any of the Crew’s hilarious content!
Well hello! Guess who booked her first Chicago gig????? I’m so excited to be participating in a workshop of Malcolm Ruhl’s new musical Cicada Dance. It tracks the story of two people falling in out of love over the course of their life trying to do right by the other and meeting pitfalls along the way. Aren’t we all?!? Learn more about our invited reading, the music, the story, Malcolm, and the other artists involved, click HERE.
Ya’ll it’s a weird time. But if you have the breath and space and willingness to watch me compete for $1000 using my acting skills, please do :). It’ll be nice to have someone in my corner. More information as well as the RVSP sign up for the zoom link can be found HERE.
IT’S FINALLY HERE! It sounds so good and I am so so so so proud to be a part of it. We continue to work on the next several episodes of season one and I can’t wait to share with you all the adventures of our amazing crew! Click HERE to access us on Audible, Google Play, and Patreon! Director Ancelet signing off!
Eeeeeeeeeee! The teaser is here! If you would like a brief break from this planet, check us out. Some really incredible artistry went into making this, as evidenced by this teaser! We'll be available Aug.1st on Audible, Google Play, ITunes, and other platforms. Follow @TheSojournHQ on Twitter or go to for all updates.
What have I been up to during quarantine you ask? A little of this, a little of that, a lot of voiceover! My best mate Stephanie Neuerberg is making an unofficial audiobook of one of my favs! Ella Enchanted is about a young woman who is given the “gift” of obedience. Her quest takes her on a journey that includes ogres, giants, fairies, and super cool pals at finishing school. Check out the first chapter HERE! Additionally, The Sojourn is moving right along. We just finished our read-through for the fourth episode, and the finishing touches are almost done on the first three! I’m also now a reader on, a website created by Larissa Thompson, cast mate and producer extraordinaire, and others. It’s a place you can find science fiction short stories and people who read them. Take a listen! Click on my actor page to get to know a little more about me and listen to some stories I’ve been reading HERE!
I’m going back to Cali! I’ll be participating in a workshop and a reading The Ballad of Haint Blue by Roxie Perkins. I’m excited to be home and excited to work with Crowded Fire! Come see us and all the other amazing artists working on Matchbox this year! Admission is free. To reserve a ticket CLICK HERE.
Hey Bay Area! Miss my face? Guess what? You can see me at the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive! I’m so proud to be featured in Gabriella Willenz film Imaginary Circumstances as “Mother”. We worked incredibly hard on a fast schedule and I am so proud of the final product! CLICK HERE for all info regarding dates, times, ticketing, and place!
The next project is coming right up! I’m in rehearsals for For Honor by Lee Sankowich. It’s the story of the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II and how, despite being wildly outnumbered and low on supplies, was able to hold off the Nazis and stop the deportations to camps for a month. Stories of resistance are especially relevant at this time, and often are overlooked or brushed aside when the history of an atrocity is told. Come join us in the spirit of resistance and resilience! For tickets and info CLICK HERE.
Hey there you! Yes you! Have you ever wondered where is the all female Chekhov group? Or what is being done to keep Jacobean tragedies contemporary and fun? Have you ever thought to yourself, “You know what would be a million dollar idea? A theatre that doubled as a pizza place,” ? Do I have a the event for you! I’m stoked to be participating in Theatre Lunatico’s Shoebox Reading Series. Next weekend starts with A Fine Day to Hang Oneself, and all female Chekhov adaptation, and next month we’ll be performing an updated version of Tis A Pity She’s A Whore. Pay what you can! Come grab a slice of pizza at La Val’s and join us. Links to the Facebook events are HERE and HERE. For more info about Theatre Lunatico CLICK HERE. And in case you’re one of those people, the menu for La Val’s is HERE.
In other news! Not really acting related but a fun storytelling event nonetheless! I am super super super super SUPER nervousexcited (which is the feeling you get when you watch the trailer for a really good horror movie or when you agree to read your adolescent journal out loud in front of people) to participate in Mortified’s Valentine’s Day Live Show! If you are unfamiliar, Mortified is a storytelling event in which adults read their teenage journals in front of an audience. I will be reading the journal I kept as I Amigos de las Americas volunteer when I was fifteen. It will be very embarrassing and kinda sweet, and probably fun. If you are in Portland, come party with us! Tickets are selling fast so hurry! For a link to Facebook event, CLICK HERE. For tickets and more info about Mortified, CLICK HERE.
San Francisco come find me! I’ll be reading Victor Lesniewski’s Tentative City at SFPlayhouse on Monday, February 11th! It is an excellent play with a great group of people at the helm. Tentative City is about a group of people living in tent city. I have been waiting for someone to write a great play about this issue that is effecting so many fast growing cities. In the spirit of the play, this reading is free and potluck style! Bring something to share and enjoy some art! For more info CLICK HERE.
One of the best things in the world is to have the chance to stay with a project as it grows and I get to do just that! I’ll be revisiting David Copperfield: the musical written by my friend Jeffrey Scharf. I worked on an earlier version of this piece with Musical Cafe and I can’t wait to return to it! For more info and tickets CLICK HERE!
Hey hey hey Seattle! Stuff is happening! I am so excited to announce that I will be participating in She is Fierce: Seattle Stories on October 12th and 13th! The theme of this storytelling event is “Coming Home.” I will be telling a story about introducing a boyfriend to my parents (spoiler alert: it does not go well!). I am thrilled to be part of this female and queer-identifying troupe. For more info and updates about She is Fierce click HERE. For more info about this specific event, click HERE.
I had an amazing time taking pictures for Clementines! I got to try on the cutest clothes and be the biggest ham. Check their website for pictures of me loving succulents and pulling faces. And oh, of course their adorable fall line. For power pantsuits, dramatic shoes and my face and feet click HERE.
GUESS WHAT?!?! I am doing something I have been itching to do for a long time-I'm gonna be on a PODCAST!! A narrative podcast to be specific called, The Sojourn, produced by Spacedock. In it I play Elizabeth Ancelet, Civilian Commander of the Avalon Expedition. We had our first read-through the other day and I cannot wait to share this with folks. Our cast and production team includes people from all over the world making it the first international project I have ever been a part of! If you like spaceships, pirates, intrigue, heroic leading ladies, and a cute queer love story to boot check us out! For more info about Spacedock click HERE. For more info and updates about The Sojourn click HERE.
Bondage is back!!!!!! We are doing a selection for the New Strands Festival at A.C.T. in San Francisco. So much amazing new work is about to be showcased! For info and tix click HERE.
Friends this one means a lot to me, please please come if you can. In Ashland, Oregon for one night and one night only we will be doing a reading of The Bottle Tree by Beth Kander. I'm excited to touch this play again, especially in light of the massive movement in the country for sensible gun control. Please come and join us for the reading and discussion afterward. All proceeds will go to Sandyhook Promise. For info about the event go HERE. For info about the amazing work Sandyhook Promise does and to donate go HERE.
Would you believe it? Would you believe it? I'm a union member!! I'm gonna make a little bit more money! I'm gonna have a pension (sort of?)? I'm gonna maybe qualify for healthcare....? Okay but cynical stuff aside, it does feel like a major step forward in a career that rarely seems to have a clearly delineated path to success. I'm also extremely excited to start this new chapter with the nicest artistic team on the planet. I'm the mean girl Savannah in Center Rep's production of Freaky Friday this summer. Catch us at the Lesher Center for the Arts in Walnut Creek May 25-June 30! More info and tickets HERE!
We're back!!! Just like that dinosaur movie! I can't wait to perform Star Finch's masterpiece for the second time at the American Conservatory Theater's Costume Shop!!! We are reuniting and burning it to the ground! Check out more info HERE!
One night only! I am reading a Anne Hillesland's Safety and Well-Being as part of a Stories on Stage event in Davis, CA. You can find more info about Anne's work here:, and more info about the event HERE.
So excited to be doing another reading with The Playwright's Center in San Francisco. This time reading Carol Lashof's Gap. Carol is the co-founder of Those Women Productions and an incredible playwright. For more info about the Playwright's Center and the event click HERE. For more info about Those Women and Carol click HERE.
Merry Christmas and welcome to Avenue Q! This Christmas I am headed home to participate in a San Francisco holiday tradition-Avenue Q at New Conservatory Theatre Center! This will be my second time playing Kate Monster and I can't wait to return to this show and be home for the holidays. Join us in the unconventional San Franciscan holiday spirit! Get your tickets HERE!
Oh my goodness! I am so excited to go to Whidbey Island this summer to perform at the Island Shakespeare Festival! I will be in Langley, Washington off the coast of Seattle the entire summer. This summer we are doing Hamlet, Comedy of Errors, and The Seagull in repertory. We are being directed by Jackie Apodaca, Kyle Haden, and Andrew Fling; and we are being artistically directed by girl boss Olena Hodges! Do not miss out. If you wanna see some orcas, Shakespeare, and/or me hop on the ferry and join us! Get your tickets HERE.
Calling all Steinbeck fans! I will be at the National Steinbeck Center on May 6th as part of the 2017 Steinbeck Festival reading the first episode of Back on Cannery Row, a TV series developed by P.J. Palmer, Eric Enno Tamm, and twenty2media. It is based on Steinbeck's friendship with the pioneering marine biologist Ed Ricketts. All the information about this event, the festival, and tickets is available here: I hope we see you there!
As one show opens another one begins! Rehearsals are underway for Bondage. A new play by the incredibly talented Star Finch, Bondage tells the story of a mixed race family on a Caribbean island coming to terms with the horror of slavery. Star has written a powerful and devastating story, our cast and crew is stellar, and I am so excited to tell you that we are being lead by the incredible Elizabeth Carter. Don't miss it friends! Buy your tickets here.
Yo! My next project is one I am very very very excited for! I am going to be returning to Sacramento Theatre Company to play Ariel in their production of The Tempest! The first performance I ever saw was a production of The Tempest. It was free in a park and needless to say, it changed my life. Buy your tickets here! Watch me do some magic and speak some Shakespeare!
So very excited to begin working on my next project! Next month I begin rehearsals at Sacramento Theatre Company for their annual production of Cinderella as Goneril, an ugly stepsister. The show is being done in the style of British pantomime, a Christmas tradition on the other side of the Atlantic (check out the Wikipedia article here, to see a picture of the Queen herself, participating in a panto production). We run Nov. 30-Jan. 1st. Get your tickets here:
See you over the Holidays!
You could be me for Halloween!! Number 7! Check it out:
I'm going home! And not only that I am going to be part of my dear friend Amy Prosser's world premiere of Things Reveal Themselves Passing Away with RE:ACT and The Encore Theater Company. She is an incredible friend and tremendous artist and I am beyond excited to tell this story. In addition I will be participating in RE:ACT and Encore's play festival "5 Plays in 5 Days" reprising my role in a reading of The Bottle Tree. I am so grateful to be a part of these new and important works in the town that I call home! See you soon San Francisco!
Get your tickets for Things Reveal Themselves Passing Away here:
I am so excited to announce that I will be appearing in the Musical Cafe's Spring Showcase at the Flight Deck in Oakland on June 5 and 6! Musical Cafe is part of Play Cafe, an organization that provides platforms for Bay Area artists to showcase their work for more information go here: . If you are interested in seeing the show, buy your tickets here:
Come support Bay Area Artists!
The Daedalus Project is coming up! It's a fundraiser to assist people living with HIV/AIDS at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. There is a bake sale, an arts and treasures auction, a play reading, a variety show, a 5k, and much much more! If you are in Ashland from August 22-24 be sure to check it out. For tickets to the variety show (where you may see that infamous long-distance runner Emily Deerdahl) click here: