

“Ms. Serdahl is excellent as Clara, David’s mother. Her turn at “Darling Boy,” one of the score’s only true solos, is delivered as an emotionally stirring soliloquy, done justice by her voice and acting chops.”  - Marc Gonzales, San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle

“Emily Serdahl wins our hearts with her charm… [her] song “Darling Boy” is one of the highlights of the night. The hummable ballad is beautiful, sentimental and hopeful. “ - Steve DiBartolomeo, Monterey Bay Performing Arts

“Strong performance and clear vision of character…quite lovely”- Joanne Englehardt, Santa Cruz Sentinel


"finely calibrated performances, and poetic, sly and courageous writing."-Lily Janiak, The San Francisco Chronicle  

"AlterTheater’s bare-bones, well-acted production of Star Finch’s gothic shocker Bondage, ably directed by Elizabeth Carter.."- John Wilkins, KQED Arts

"...potent, beautifully expressed and mysterious...More than anything, though, it’s a tense and unsettling piece that plays with race, gender, family and power dynamics in provocative and sometimes brutal ways."-Sam Hurwitt, Marin Independant Journal

"...what we look for in live theater, but rarely find."-Charles Brousse, The Pacific Sun  





"visually and emotionally compelling...many lovely discoveries to enjoy in this production." -Jeff Hudson, Capitol Public Radio  





"In a new production of the play at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, directed by Joseph Haj, Pericles’ trials are given a glossy sheen"-Charles Isherwood,  The New York Times   

"Emily Serdahl moves from vulnerable maid to goddess with ease."-Susan Galbraith, DCTheatreScene  

"Once in a while, a play grabs you in its first moment and whisks you to another world, one more vivid than ours, where you have powerful experiences until you're released back into everyday life, changed, when the actors take their curtain call. This is one of those deals."-Bill Varblefor, The Mail Tribune  

“Pericles,” directed by Joseph Haj, arriving from the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, followed in the admirable tradition of inventive storytelling."-Peter Marks, The Washington Post